
App NameRecordium

Price/Platform: Free with IAP (iOS)

Review Version: 3.2

Developer Website:

Features: Recordium is a audio recording app with strong visualization features. One of the main strong points of the app is the options you have over recording quality and format. You can choose between 3 different sampling rates and 4 different formats, allowing you to control both the quality and size of the final recording. When actually recording, the app has a nice clean interface that really focuses on the visualization of the audio and the pause button. You can pause and un-pause mid-recording and the app also displays the current size of the recording, which is helpful. Once the recording is complete, you can easily share the recording via Wi-Fi, Airdrop, iTunes, or iOS Share Sheet. If you want to replay any audio, you can do so via the waveform view which supports pitch and zoom and variable playback speeds. Finally, the app supports a file and folder structure allowing for easy organization of your recordings.   

Summary: Recordium is a easy to use recording app that sports a nice interface and customizable recording settings.


  • Has very nice interface and easy to use playback tool
  • MP4 compression format allows you to record a lot of audio without eating up too much storage
  • Can pause while recording is in progress


  • If you forget to press save after a recording, it will be lost

How I use it: I use Recordium as one of main audio recording apps. I have found that it has one of the nicest interfaces and I really appreciate the fact that I can adjust the recording rate and format easily. Using the compression format, I can usually record 2 hours of audio and use just  25MB of storage. That is really helpful when you record a lot of audio, as it starts to eat up 16GB pretty quickly. Finally, I have found the app to be very reliable and stable.   

In-App Purchases: The app offers a Pro version ($9.99) that unlocks many more features. They include both editing (Trimming, Snipping, Deleting sections) and annotations (Highlighting, Tagging, Notes, and Photos). There is also a separate app called Recordium Highlight ($4.99) that only includes highlighting functionality.