Loose Leaf

App Name: Loose Leaf

Price/Platform: $1.99 (iPad)

Review Version: 1.3

Developer Websitehttps://getlooseleaf.com

Features: Loose Leaf is a simple note taking app that aims to let you get your ideas to paper quickly. The apps’ main goal is to be as simple as possible and to really let you focus on your sketches. There are no settings and you can navigate within the app using only swipe gestures. 

When you open the app, it will by default open to a new blank page, and you can start drawing right away. The drawing screen is completely clear except for the different tools and options that hover on the side of the screen. The features available are: Pen and Eraser (5 colors), image import, ruler, undo/redo, scissors, and gesture toggle. The scissor tool allows you to select what’s on the screen (selections are called scraps) and let you then move the scraps around and rescale them (similar to other apps select and move options). What is unique, though, is the ability to shake them to reorder their layer on the screen, and the ability to drag them to the far right center of the screen where they can then be moved to other pages. The neatest feature is the ruler function, which allows a virtual ruler or protractor to appear on screen. You can either pinch or stretch your fingers to manipulate the ruler/protractor and when you draw near it, the ink will snap to it.

Once your done your with your sketch you can choose to export it using one of the 11 options, most notable being PDF or JPEG export, social media and via iOS share sheet. Finally, to exit your page just use the usual pinch to zoom and you will then see a large grid view of all of your pages. To delete a page, just drag it for the far left of the screen.  

Summary: Loose Leaf is a easy to use and innovate note taking app suited to quick notes and sketches.


  • The ruler and protractor tool are well done
  • Swipe based interface is easy to use and intuitive
  • Is responsive and lets you get to your notes down quickly 


  • You can not zoom in or out
  • Image quality of exported pages can be subpar

How I use it: I use Loose leaf to capture quick ideas or to make little sketches or diagrams. I really like how quick and responsive the app is, as the sooner it loads, the quicker I can get my ideas to ink. And that means I don’t have to work as hard to keep my ideas in my working memory. Another feature I love to use is the ruler and protractor tool; it really is a pleasure to use and greatly increases the overall quality of sketches.