About Me

My Goal

I created this blog with the hope of showing how technology, particularly tablets and iOS, can be used to make the lives of people with TBIs easier! Most of us have or use mobile devices and computers on a daily basis without realizing all of the helpful features and apps out there. It is my intent that this blog can help out people with TBIs or be a resource for people looking for information.

Why I Created It

  1. Hopefully, I can help someone and save them the time and energy that I went through trying out all of these different apps and workflows!
  2. There aren’t really that many resources on the web that focus on iOS and TBIs  (at least not that I could find) and the ones that do exist are quite inadequate and outdated.
  3. I have acquired all of this information, and it does no good just sitting in my head…

My TBI Experience

While no brain injury is good… I feel very blessed that I only sustained a moderate TBI. I received my brain injury (a concussion) in May 2011 while playing a pick-up game of soccer. I was later diagnosed with post-concussion syndrome in September, 2011 before the start of my sophomore year of high school.  During my injury, I have experienced the whole gamut of concussion symptoms, but long term, my main challenges have been issues with visual/cognitive processing and mental endurance.

While it has been 6 years since my injury, I am luckily still recovering, and have since graduated high school! Now that I have started my college career in mechanical engineering, I look forward to being able to share my experiences here! And throughout the whole process technology has played a huge role. My iPad has been invaluable through both high school and college and my iPhone and iMac helps to keep me organized and on track in general. They also provide the basis for this blog’s inspiration and it’s content!

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