
App Name: Pocket

Price/Platform: Free (iOS)

Review Version: 6.3

Developer Website: https://getpocket.com

Download: App Store Link


Pocket is a reading list and content saving service. It allows you to save and collect a variety of content that is then synced among your devices! The service is both easy to use and easy to navigate.

Getting Content

To get started with Pocket, you first have to add some content to your list. You can save content by:

  • Using the share sheet extension
  • Copying and pasting the URL into the app (look for a green bar on the bottom of the screen when you open the app)
  • Via email (directions here)

You can also find articles using Pocket’s recommendation feed. This feed includes curated articles that you might find interesting. It will also display any articles that your friends have recommended via Pocket’s social sharing features.


Reading articles is where Pocket really shines. When you open an article, Pocket will display a “cleaned up” (article mode) version of the article. That means it will only show the main body of the text and key photos, all displayed in a distraction free environment. You also have the ability to adjust certain aspects of the display, such as the font type, font size, and background color. The app also is integrated with iOS text-to-speech, so you can take advantage of speak screen using their built-in controls.

Note: Not all content will display properly in Pocket’s article mode. In the event it can not be rendered or does not display properly, you can view the web version of it.


Pocket Article View

Pocket’s article mode view (dyslexie font with dark background)

Organizing and Tagging

Your articles are stored in a central list (My list) and are displayed in the order they are added (You can also show the oldest article first). Pocket allows you to organize your content by adding tags to them and creating a favorites list. Tags are extremely versatile and much more flexible than folders. The beauty of tags is that you can add multiple tags to one item and search for items by their tag. This allows you to really be creative and use whatever scheme works for you! In addition, you can search for articles by their name or just a keyword.

Pocket List View

Pocket’s list view including tags


Cross Platform Support

One of the nice features of Pocket is that it offers wide support for different platforms and is integrated within many apps and services. Besides the native apps for iOS, Android, and MacOS, they have a full featured web app. In addition, the app is integrated within many apps, so you can either save or access your content directly from within them. For example, you can link your Pocket account within Voice Dream Reader so that your list is always up to date and ready for listening within Voice Dream.


Pocket is a read-it-later service that offers a distraction free reading environment and the ability to organize your saved articles and content.



  • Offers a distraction free reading environment that can be customized to your needs
  • Your content is synced among your devices and can be accessed via a web browser
  • Tagging allows easy organization of content


  • It is very easy to accumulate an overwhelming number of articles

How I use it

Pocket is my go-to reading app for longer length article and serves as my central repository for articles I want to read. Being able to read on a clutter free screen is huge, and being able to then also adjust the font size and type is awesome. It makes the task of reading, just a little bit less visually straining. And for articles that I know will be a little more strenuous, I use Voice Dream Reader’s Pocket list sync feature. Another feature I love is its archiving ability. I find that I commonly need to go back and reference an article or just want to go fact check myself. And having a searchable and organized list is extremely helpful for this. Overall, the biggest challenge I have found with this app is trying not to save too much content! While it is super easy to save articles, it is also super easy to accumulate them!  (I currently have a little under 1000 articles in my list…)

Premium Verison

The app is free to use for all users. However, you can upgrade to Pocket Premium for $45.00 a year (monthly is $4.99) to unlock additional features. They include full-text search, suggested tagging, advance search parameters, offline backups, and expanded viewing and layout options on mobile (more font and spacing options.)

Similar Apps/Services

  • Readability
  • Instapaper
  • Safari Reading List