App Name:

Price/Platform: Preinstalled iOS App

Review Version: iOS 9

Developer Website

Features: Reminders is Apple’s in-house to-do and task manger. Like most of Apple’s other built in apps, its functionality is very limited, but it does have a few tricks up its sleeve. To start off, the app has a super bare bone interface, with your list and a search bar being front and center. You can create as many lists as your heart desires, but keep in mind you will only have 7 color options to choose from. Adding task to your list is as simple as clicking the plus sign in the desired list and typing in your title. To add more detail just click the little “i”, where you can set a desired due date, adjust/add repeat frequency, modify the tasks’ priority, and add a note. To see all of your task due today, you can navigate to the scheduled tab, where you can also see upcoming task ordered by there date.So what about though tricks? The first is the ability to easily and quickly share your reminder list with other iCloud users. Just go to the list you wish to share, tap on edit, then sharing, and enter the email address of the people who you wish to send it to. Click done and as long as the invitee accepts, your good to go. The second advantage is the simple fact of its deep integration with iOS. Besides the one stop syncing with iCloud, you can also add/check reminders using Siri… Which does have its perks.

Summary: Reminder is a very bare bone task and to-do app, but has easy to use sharing tools and integration with Siri.
  • Super easy to share list with other iCloud users
  • iCloud Sync allows your notes to be accessed on all your devices, including
  • Uses dynamic text size pick


  • List do not sort task in order of priority
  • Lacks some key basic features


How I use it: I personally have never used reminders, as it is way too simple and lacks some key basic features for my needs. However, the ease at which you can share list with other iCloud users is quite intriguing and Siri integration is always a nice touch! If your looking for a simple to-do manger and don’t need a feature rich one (like my personal favorite 2Do), between the Siri integration and dynamic text support, it would be a good pick!